Tag Archives: DevTool

Spring Boot: DevTools Properties and Default Value

These are Spring Boot Dev Tools properties that can be configured with any Spring Boot Application. These properties are already configured in Spring Boot with the given default value.

Note: In your application, You don’t need to add all these values in your application.proprties/application.yaml file. You just need to add only those values which you want to change/override.

See Also:

DevTools Configuration Properties

Spring Boot load these properties in DevToolsProperties class.

NameDefault ValueDescription
spring.devtools.livereload.enabledtrueEnable a livereload.com compatible server.
spring.devtools.livereload.port35729Server port.
spring.devtools.restart.additional-exclude Additional patterns excluded from triggering a full restart.
spring.devtools.restart.additional-paths Additional paths to watch for changes.
spring.devtools.restart.enabledtrueEnable automatic restart.
File System Patterns that excluded from triggering a full restart.
spring.devtools.restart.poll-interval1000Amount of waiting time between polling for classpath changes.(in milliseconds)
spring.devtools.restart.quiet-period400Amount of quiet time required before a restart is triggered without classpath changes . (in milliseconds)
spring.devtools.restart.trigger-file Name of file, if any class path file change will trigger the restart. If not specified file n classpath change will trigger the restart.

Remote DevTools Configuration Properties

Spring Boot load these properties in RemoteDevToolsProperties class.

NameDefault ValueDescription
spring.devtools.remote.context-path/.~~spring-boot!~Context path used to handle the remote connection.
spring.devtools.remote.debug.enabledtrueEnable remote debug support.
spring.devtools.remote.debug.local-port8000Local remote debug server port.
spring.devtools.remote.proxy.host Proxy host to remote application connection
spring.devtools.remote.proxy.port Proxy port to remote application connection.
spring.devtools.remote.restart.enabledtrueEnable remote restart.
spring.devtools.remote.secret It’s required property,to shared secret to establish a connection
spring.devtools.remote.secret-header-nameX-AUTH-TOKENHTTP header used to transfer the shared secret.




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